Gyan Setu Think Tank organized a round table discussion on “Reforms in Defence Procurement-Opportunities for Northern Region” in collaboration with Times of India and CII, Chandigarh. The discussion was held on July 27, 2017 at CII Regional Office, Sector 31, Chandigarh.
Notable Defence Experts – Lt. Gen. J. P. Singh (retd.) and Lt. Gen. A. K. Ahuja (retd.) were main speakers in the panel of experts. The discussion was moderated by Lt. Gen. K. J. Singh (retd.) and Rajesh Kapoor from CII. The issues of Defence Procurement and Defence Production capabilities of India were discussed at length.
Lt. Gen. J. P. Singh, former deputy chief of army and consultant DRDO said, it is time for India to start developing and manufacturing defence equipment in the country. He explained the concept of cyclic acquisition.