Contribute to Gyan Setu Think Tank

As the world becomes more interconnected, the complexities of security challenges continue to evolve. In recognition of this, Gyan Setu Think Tank has been established in collaboration with Department of Defence and National Security Studies, Panjab University, Chandigarh. Gyan Setu is a university based think tank with a vision to foster cutting-edge research, informed discussions, and innovative solutions to address contemporary security issues. Our goal is to provide a platform that brings together experts, scholars, policymakers, and practitioners to collaboratively explore and address the multifaceted security concerns of our time.

Why Your Contribution Matters:

We firmly believe that meaningful change is brought about through collective efforts. This is where you come in. Your support, whether through financial contributions or active engagement, can play a pivotal role in driving Gyan Setu Think Tank’s mission forward. Here’s how your contribution can make a difference:

  1. Supporting Research Excellence: Your generosity will enable us to conduct in-depth research, access specialized resources, and gather data to formulate informed recommendations on security matters.
  2. Facilitating Thoughtful Discussions: Through your contributions, we can organize seminars, workshops, and conferences that facilitate dialogue among experts, policymakers, and the public, fostering a deeper understanding of security challenges.
  3. Empowering Future Leaders: Your support will help us engage students in practical research experiences, mentorship programs, and internships, nurturing the next generation of security scholars and practitioners.
  4. Disseminating Knowledge: With your assistance, we can publish reports, policy briefs, and academic articles that disseminate valuable insights, contributing to public discourse and policy formulation.
  5. Enhancing Outreach: Your contributions will allow us to expand our reach, connect with international partners, and collaborate on a global scale to address shared security concerns.

How You Can Get Involved:

  1. Financial Contributions: Your financial support, in any amount, will directly contribute to the Think Tank’s operations, research initiatives, and engagement programs. Your donation can be a one-time gift, a recurring contribution, or even the establishment of a named fund dedicated to security studies.
  2. Expertise Sharing: If you’re an expert in the field of security studies, your insights, experience, and guidance are invaluable to our mission. We welcome collaboration in the form of guest lectures, workshops, and mentorship opportunities.
  3. Networking and Partnerships: If you represent an organization, government agency, or institution, consider partnering with us to co-host events, conduct joint research, or engage in mutually beneficial activities that advance security studies.
  4. Promotion and Advocacy: Help us spread the word about the Think Tank’s endeavors. Share our publications, attend our events, and encourage others in your network to get involved.

How to Contribute:

Contributing to the Gyan Setu Think Tank is easy. You can make a secure online donation through UPI or direct bank transfer. Our bank details and UPI ID are as given below:

Gyan Setu Think Tank

UPI ID: 115914138008478@cnrb

Bank Account Details for Direct Bank Transfer:

A/c Name: Gyan Setu Think Tank
A/c Number: 2845101008478
Bank IDFC Code: CNRB0002845

If you’re interested in exploring other ways to contribute or get involved, please don’t hesitate to reach out to our team here.

We deeply appreciate your support and commitment to the Gyan Setu Think Tank’s mission.